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Contact us
  • Guangzhou Hongtai Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

    Address: Second Building of the Third Industrial Zone of Ping Ping Village, Lanhe Town, Nansha District, Guangzhou City


    Contact person: Miss Yang

    Telephone: 020-34986880

    Business Line: 13318791398



Contact us

    Guangzhou Hongtai Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

    Tel: 020 -34986880

    Business Line: 13318791398 

    Fax: 020-34986800

    Web: www.hongtaiym.com           


    Add:Second Building of the Third Industrial Zone of Ping Ping Village, Lanhe Town, Nansha District, Guangzhou

    Add:Room 1401, Jinlei Commercial Centre, 26-28 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Copyright:Guangzhou Hongtai Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.    粤ICP备20055157号

 Fax:020-34986800 . Telephone: 020-34986880  . Mailbox:hongtaiym@126.com . Business Line: 13318791398